Road freight

We specialize in the international cargo delivery between the countries of the European Union, Scandinavia, Russia, Belarus and other CIS countries. Cargo delivery is performed with the trucks, depending on the specific conditions of each international cargo delivery case. We provide the services for the carriage of containers from the port and their delivery to any point of destination. We deliver the containers of standard weight till 20 t., as well heavy weight till 26 t. with the universal platforms.

We offer all complex of services by this direction:

Cargo transit “from door to door”;
Formalization of documents (e. g., EX-1, Carnet TIR and others)
Loading - unloading;
Packing, marking, repacking, pre-packing;
Services of surveyors: inspection, recalculation, conclusion of act;
Providing transportation efficiency, monitoring of status and security of cargo.

Find out all information about the directions You are interested in while contacting us by phone or email.